To qualify as an Official CC7D Film, each CC7D Team must comply with all the rules listed herein. Don't get disqualified! Follow the rules and you'll be fine!
1. The spirit of CC7D is to challenge yourself and make the movie inside you from scratch in only seven days. The only work allowed to begin prior to the Official 7-Day Time Period should be non-creative:
Organizing Crew
Organizing Cast*
Securing Equipment
Securing Locations*
Gathering Costumes*
Gathering Props*
*Note: Since your script is not written prior to Kick-Off, you cannot know what locations, cast, costumes or props you will need. Therefore, it is acceptable to secure a wide variety of locations, items and team members to choose from before the Official 7-Day Time Period begins.
2. All creativity will take place during the Official 7-Day Time Period, including but not limited to:
Writing the Script
Plot Points
Set Design
Sound Design
Exporting to Media
3. All footage must be shot within the Official 7-Day Time Period.
No stock footage or footage shot or created at another time may be used.
Animation and special effects are permitted, but must be created during the Official 7-Day Time Period.
Stock special effects as part of a third-party special effects program or package are permissible, provided that the team has the rights to use them. You must turn in a release.
Still photographs are permitted, provided that the team has the rights to use them. The photos do not need to be created during the Official 7-Day Time Period. Stills created outside of the Official 7-Day Period may not be used in sequence to create the illusion of motion. You must turn in a release to use still photos.
4. All shooting for CC7D films must occur within the following Texas counties: Nueces, Kleberg, Jim Wells, San Patricio, Live Oak, Bee, Refugio, Goliad, Victoria and Aransas.
5. Cast and crew members may not be monetarily compensated.
6. Past CC7D Steering Committee members and Jury members may participate on a CC7D Team after two consecutive years have passed from their active service on the CC7D Steering Committee.
7. All teams must properly incorporate the Essential Elements into their film.
The required Character and Prop must be seen on-screen.
The Prop must be physically handled by any character on-screen. The hand in "handled" is key.
The Character does not need to be the lead of the film, just make an appearance. As long as the audience can infer who the Character is, he/she does not need to be further identified.
The Line of Dialogue may be spoken or sung. If spoken or sung, the line must be clear and audible. It may be in any language, though if it is unclear that it is the Line, there must be a translation or caption.
If the line is written rather than spoken or sung, approval from the CC7D Steering Committee must be obtained prior to the July 17, 2024 Turn-In. Failing to contact the CC7D Steering Committee for approval of a written line could result in disqualification. The Line may not be altered in any way.
The enigmatic Fourth Element changes year to year and is determined by the Steering Committee. In the past, the Fourth Element has been used for different purposes and not always as a specific detail that must be apparent in your movie. The Steering Committee will explain the rules surrounding the Fourth Element when it is revealed at the Kick-Off event. Incorporation of the Fourth Element must meet the requirements set by the Steering Committee, same as the other Essential Elements.
A ten (10) second time frame must exist between the introduction of each Essential Element. The Essential Elements can be introduced at any time, as long as at least ten (10) seconds exist between each Essential Elements' introduction.
For example, the Essential Element prop CANNOT be handled by the Essential Element character while the Essential Element character says the Essential Element line. However, it is permissible for the Essential Element character to hold the prop ten (10) seconds after the Essential Element character has been introduced into the film.
Additionally, it is NOT permissible for a character to say the Essential Element line while holding the Essential Element prop. However, that same character CAN hold the Essential Element prop and say the Essential Element line, as long as the introduction of the line happens at least ten (10) seconds after the Essential Element prop is handled on-screen.
If Team Leaders have ANY questions about this rule, please reach out at infocc7d@gmail.com. It's better to ask questions than be disqualified.
8. By signing the Participant’s Agreement, Team Leaders agree to obtain all of their own talent, location, music, crew and/or materials releases. All teams must submit the necessary releases along with their completed film. When applicable, teams must attach receipts and/or licensing agreements for stock materials (photos, music, graphics, special effects, sound effects, etc.) to the corresponding releases. Filmmakers who do not turn in releases may be disqualified.
9. Any type of film or video camera may be used. There is no limit to the number of cameras or sound recorders that may be used.
10. Before the finished film begins, the film must have:
5 seconds of black
Please note: The running time of your film begins after the 5 seconds of black ends. Failure to incorporate 5 seconds of black may result in your film being disqualified and not screened.
11. Your film must be submitted as a self-contained .MP4 data file
No other files types will be accepted. If a CC7D Team turns in a film on any other file type, the film will be disqualified and not screened. No exceptions.
12. Filmmakers may submit their films in the following resolutions:
HD 1080 (1920x1080)
HD 720 (1280x720)
SD 720 (720X480)
4K. Please note, Team Leaders that submit a 4K film must also submit a HD 1080 as a back-up at the time of the Turn In on July 17, 2024.
13. Additional technical requirements include:
Video Codec may only contain the following:
CC7D will not allow films that use any software specific proprietary codec to be rendered after the Turn-In. Films will be screened that use proprietary codec but will not be eligible for awards.
Films should be submitted in a 16:9 square pixels or 4:3 square pixels aspect ratio format. Films submitted with a different aspect ration will be screened but may not be eligible for awards.
Please use the following audio/sound specs as a basic guideline for the best presentation at the Screening:
Two channel stereo
24 bit, 48,000Hz sample rate
Final mix limited
Majority of dialogue center panned
Mix target of -18dBfs
SFX peaks of -12dBfs
14. The finished film must be a minimum of 4 minutes in duration, and a maximum of 8 minutes in duration.
15. Submit TWO flash drives with one copy of your movie file on each flash drive.
The file name your movie file should be submitted as: YEAR_FILM TITLE_TEAM NAME
Place each flash drive in a plastic resealable bag with an index card. On the index card, write the YEAR, TEAM NAME FILM TITLE.
16. Credits at the end of each film are limited to a maximum of 30 seconds. The 30 seconds is considered additional to the length of the film. That is, a film may be 8 minutes long with an additional 30 seconds of credits, plus the initial 5 seconds of black, for a total running time of 8 minutes and 35 seconds.
17. Outtakes or bonus footage appearing during the end credits is permissible; however, this additional footage must not extend the film’s narrative. In other words, if we removed the credits, the movie would still feel complete.
18. The content of the movie/film/video is at the discretion of the participating Teams. The CC7D Steering Committee reserves the right to disqualify any film based on content.
19. Teams must obtain the rights for the use of all music and/or stock sound effects in their films.
It is permissible for teams to use pre-recorded music; however, the team must have the rights.
Teams that use original music created specifically for their CC7D film must also have the rights to use the music in their film. You must turn in a release.
Pre-recorded stock sound effects as part of a third-party sound effects program or package is permissible, provided that the team has the rights to use them.
20. Teams must obtain the rights for all trademarked, copyrighted or branded materials that are featured prominently in their films.
Brands, trademarks and copyrighted materials that are prominently displayed or used must be hidden, obscured or only partially visible if the team does not have the rights to display them. Examples of this include, but are not limited to clothing, products and labels.
Brands, trademarks and copyrighted materials that appear in the background or in a natural state are allowed and are not required to be hidden, obscured or only partially visible. Examples of this include, but are not limited to book shelves, grocery store shelves, neon signs, store signage, etc.
If any trademarked, copyrighted or branded materials blatantly appear in a film, the film will still be shown at the Screening; however, the film will not be considered for judging in any award categories.
CC7D Steering Committee will determine if the display of a brand, trademark or copyrighted object in a film violates this rule.
21. Teams may make and submit multiple films with the following guidelines:
Each film requires a separate entry fee ($60) at the Kick-Off Event. For example, if you know you are going to attempt make three CC7D films, you must pay a total of $180 in entry fees.
No shots may be reused between two or more films.
You cannot re-edit a film and submit it more than once.
All films made by the same Team Leader or Team must be completely original.
Separate films may not have an interconnected story or be part of a larger episodic work.
22. Teams considered for Young Filmmaker Award must comply with the following guidelines:
The official guidelines are ages 7 through the summer of your senior year in high school. In other words, if you’ve just graduated from high school, you’re eligible for the Young Filmmaker Award. However, if it’s the summer after your first year of college, you’re ineligible for the Young Filmmaker Award. For those taking dual credit college courses in high school, the CC7D Steering Committee considers college when you’re attending a higher learning institution, either part-time or full-time.
In order for a film to qualify for the Young Filmmaker Award, the following film components solely must be completed by an individual (or individuals) in the age requirements listed above:
Story concept and/or script
Incorporation of the Essential Elements
All technical filmmaking components (editing, sound design, costume, et al) can be completed with adult assistance.
All entrants wishing to be considered for the Young Filmmaker Award must have a parent or guardian (if applicable) sign the Young Filmmaker Certification form, which is included in the CC7D Filmmakers’ Packet at the time of the Kick-Off. The form is also available online here.
Entrants that do not complete the Young Filmmaker Certification Form will not be eligible for consideration for the Young Filmmaker Award.
23. Consideration for Best Original Song and/or Best Original Score must adhere to the following guidelines:
In order to be eligible for Best Original Song or Best Original Score, the music must be written and recorded during the Official 7-Day Time Period. Music written or recorded prior to the Official 7-Day Time Period will not be eligible.
Team Leaders must submit a CC7D Original Song and/or CC7D Original Score document for each piece of original work with their CC7D submission. The form is included in the CC7D Filmmakers Packet and available online here. Original songs and scores will not be considered for awards without this documentation.
Submit a copy of your music data file(s) as an MP3 on a flash drive.
Store each music file on a flash drive. If you can fit your music file(s) onto the same flash drive as your movie, please do so. If your music files are on a different flash drive than your movie, please make sure to place the flash drive in the same resealable bag as your finished movie.
The Teams must submit a cue sheet with the title of each piece and the time each piece appears in the film.
24. Consideration for Best Original Screenplay must adhere to the following guidelines:
In order to be eligible for Best Screenplay, the script must be written Official 7-Day Time Period. Scripts written prior to the Official 7-Day Time Period will not be eligible.
Team Leaders must submit a CC7D Screenplay document for CC7D submission. The form is included in the CC7D Filmmakers Packet and available online here. Screenplays will not be considered for awards without this documentation.
Submit a copy of your CC7D Screenplay as PDF on a flash drive.
Please name the script file like this: YEAR_TEAM NAME_FILM TITLE_SCREENWRITER
If you can fit your screenplay file onto the same flash drive as your movie, please do so. If your screenplay files are on a different flash drive than your movie please make sure to place the flash dive in the same resealable (ziploc) bag as your finished movie.
The screenplay must be typed and formatted in the standard screenwriting format. Screenplays that deviate from standard formats may be disqualified.
The screenplay must include a title page with the film title, the name(s) of the writer(s), Team name, Team Leader’s name, the year and the words “Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project.”
25. PLEASE REMEMBER Actors appearing in more than one film will NOT be eligible for any of the CC7D acting awards, including but not limited to Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Supporting Actor, Best Supporting Actress.
26. Teams must submit their film and material in the following manner:
Films must be dropped off by the exact time determined at the Kick-Off Event. CC7D officials will be at the entrance with a box that teams will place their films into. Once the deadline passes, only films that are inside the box will be considered as being on time. Only films that meet the deadline will be officially part of the competition. Only films that are turned in by the Official Turn-In Time will be screened. Only films that meet the deadline, execute all elements correctly and meet the running-time requirements will be part of the competition and screening. Late films will not be accepted. If your film is late, it will not screen or be part of the competition. If your film does not play at the Turn-In, your film is subject to disqualification. The film that is submitted at the Turn-In will be the film that is screened.
27. Teams that do not turn in a Certification Statement and/or supporting documents may be disqualified. These documents will be provided at the Kick-Off Event and are available online here.
28. All films are screened by the CC7D Steering Committee to verify that they include all four elements, meet time requirements and comply with the 2024 CC7D Rules. Films that do not fulfill the CC7D requirements will be eliminated from the screening and the competition.
29. Filmmakers will reserve the CC7D Screening as the premiere of their film. CC7D films airing on public broadcast prior to the Screening will be disqualified from competition and removed from the CC7D Screening program. “Public broadcast” includes a film released theatrically, on television or the Internet (including, but not limited to all digital media platforms).
30. Teams may and are encouraged to post or broadcast production photos and other behind-the-scenes footage during the Official CC7D Filming Week. Teams are encouraged to use #CC7D, where appropriate. To be eligible for the Influence Award, you must tag CC7D social media handles. Posters or other marketing materials for team films may be produced after the Turn-In, July 17, 2024. Trailers may be posted no earlier than August 15, 2024. Team leaders must comply with the following rules and guidelines:
Please include the screening date, the location and “Corpus Christi 7-Day Film Project,” “CC7D” or the CC7D logo on your movie poster.
Photos, graphics and movie posters are optional and not “official” CC7D materials. Team Leaders are solely responsible for the content on all posters, print files and graphic files and other digital content. CC7D recommends, for their own protection, that Team Leaders follow all laws and common sense standards for the content depicted on their posters and print materials. Teams that produce materials considered to be inappropriate will receive a warning and an opportunity to remove the materials within 24 hours of notification. CC7D reserves the right to disqualify any team that produces materials deemed inappropriate or detrimental to the CC7D brand.
If you post physical materials (posters, flyers, etc.) you must have the permission from the property owner to post or distribute.
Teams may create one trailer that includes original footage from their film with the following restrictions:
You may produce and broadcast only one trailer.
Your trailer may include footage from your film, discarded footage shot specifically for your film or behind-the-scenes footage detailing actual scenes being shot.
Trailers may be posted or broadcast no sooner than August 15, 2024.
The trailer must be no longer than 30 seconds.
The trailer may not use music that has a copyright.
31. To be certified as an “Official CC7D Film,” each participating team’s movie/film/video production must follow all rules herein.
32. CC7D Steering Committee may amend these rules at any time. CC7D Steering Committee shall use good faith efforts to post any changes to CC7D Policies and Rules on the CC7D website as soon as practical. The rules posted to this website on Wednesday, July 10, 2024 shall be the official rules governing the 2024 CC7D competition.
33. By registering and signing the Participant’s Agreement, the Entrant agrees to abide by all provisions of this document and the decisions of the CC7D Steering Committee and any panels of judges or jury, which decisions are final and binding in all respects.
34. Some CC7D events will be held at establishments that serve alcohol. CC7D Steering Committee follows all Texas laws concerning alcohol consumption by minors. Any minors attempting to purchase alcohol, caught consuming alcohol, etc., will be ejected and barred from reentry in relation to all CC7D events without any refunds of registration fees or purchases. If you are under 21 and you want to participate in CC7D, do not attempt to drink alcohol at CC7D functions.
35. The CC7D Steering Committee reserves the right to disqualify any entrant who fails to comply with the provisions of this document in its sole discretion.
If your have additional questions, please see the FAQs, HOW TO PLAY, or email the CC7D Steering Committee at infocc7d@gmail.com.